January 2018 Newsletter: Reflecting on the #MeToo Movement
Photo from Al Jazeera: Tarana Burke, founder of the #MeToo movement
Happy New Year, Everyone!
So far this year, I've spent a lot of time thinking about the watershed moment that is the #MeToo movement. Over the past several months, brave accounts of trauma, violence, and abuse have held power and consequence like never before.
I've also been thinking a lot about giving credit where credit is due. The #MeToo movement is the result of decades of courage, risk, hard work, and leadership, particularly from women of color. Anita Hill stepped forward in 1991 and spurred the first national conversation on sexual harassment in the workplace. The #MeToo movement itself was founded by Tarana Burke, who created the phrase to empower young women of color who have been sexually abused, assaulted, or exploited and let them know they were not alone.
Here at the Women’s Foundation, we are committed to honoring, uplifting, and joining the women -- particularly those from marginalized communities -- who are driving this moment forward. Are you in? You can start by checking out our 5 Things You Can Do to Address Domestic and Sexual Violence in Oregon as well as an article on Ways to Take Care of Yourself During This Hellish News Cycle.
With gratitude always,
Emily Evans
Executive Director, Women’s Foundation of Oregon
Over a third of Oregon’s women—nearly 700,000 individuals—have experienced intimate partner violence.
In December, the Women's Foundation awarded Red Lodge Transition Services an Immediate Impact grant of $5,000. The grant will support procuring a passenger van for the transportation needs of women transitioning out of Coffee Creek Correctional Facility.
Red Lodge Transition Services provides culturally relevant transition services to primarily Native American women who have been in Coffee Creek. Red Lodge supports re-entry of women across Multnomah, Clackamas, and Washington Counties through services such as housing, employment, legal identification, transportation, food, and emotional support.
Name: Ericka Lozano-Buhl
Age: 42
Occupation: Founder of Mixto Communications, a marketing and communications consulting firm specializing in branding, advocacy strategy, and multicultural community outreach
Member of the Women’s Foundation since: 2017
Gender pronouns: She/her/hers
Why are you a member of the Women’s Foundation?
I was invited to join by my dear friend Felicita Monteblanco. When I read the vision and mission and spent time learning about the work of the Women’s Foundation, especially the “Eight That Can’t Wait” focus areas, I knew it was an organization I needed to join.
What’s your favorite spot in Oregon? Do I have to pick just one? I love Forest Park, Del Rey Beach, and Elowah Falls, each marvelous in their own way.
What quality do you most admire in others? I have deep admiration for kindness. It seems like such a simple thing, but it isn’t. People who remain kind in trying situations, who seem to always remember the importance of kindness, are everyday heroes.
What do you consider your greatest achievement? Being a good mother. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done and there’s no training to prepare to do it right. I learn from my daughter every day and when she shows compassion, independence, and curiosity, I know I’m succeeding.
Which woman (living or dead) do you most admire? Frida Kahlo. She was feminist, anti-colonialist, brilliant, philosophical, and talented beyond measure.
What’s your most treasured possession? I have letters from my mother dating back to when I was in college. She has Alzheimer’s dementia now; I’ll never get another letter like the ones she used to send about what was going on in her life and what she was thinking. I miss seeing her handwriting on a page.
What thought or intention do you want to leave with Women's Foundation of Oregon members today? This is a quote from Brene Brown’s Rising Strong, an incredible book I’m reading right now: “Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. Vulnerability is not weakness; it’s our greatest measure of courage.”
What question would you like to be asked right now? Would you like a piece of cake?
Thanks so much, Ericka!
Want to become a stronger advocate against sexual violence in Oregon? Check out Oregon Sexual Assault Task Force's (SATF) free resources and trainings by visiting their website and Facebook page.
SATF Oregon's mission is to facilitate and support a collaborative, survivor-centered approach to the prevention of and response to sexual violence. They accomplish their mission by advancing primary prevention and providing multi-disciplinary training and technical assistance to responders in Oregon and nationally.
Jan 24: Think & Drink on Community Organizing Around Oregon, Portland
A live conversation on challenges and opportunities in community organizing around Oregon with Jess Campbell of the Rural Organizing Project, journalist and activist Jacqueline Keeler, and community organizer and political writer Scot Nakagawa.
Jan 25: Aramis Ayala, Portland
Aramis Ayala, who was elected State Attorney for Orange-Osceola, Florida in 2016, will talk race, gender and justice at PSU. She'll be sharing her experiences and ideas as a prosecutor in an event hosted by the Oregon Justice Resource Center.
Jan 27: “Seeing the Racial Water” with Dr. Robin DiAngelo, Portland
Dr. DiAngelo will describe the way race shapes the lives of White people, explain what makes racism so hard for White people to see, and identify common White racial patterns that prevent White people from moving towards greater racial equity.
Feb 1: Free Screening of "Priced Out", North Portland
Attend a community screening of this documentary at Portsmouth Union Church. "Priced Out" is an investigative and personal look at how skyrocketing housing prices are displacing Portland's black community and reshaping the entire city.
Feb 2: Women's Foundation Community Partner Breakfast, Portland
Meet the Foundation team and join dynamic women in our community in conversation that highlights how we are collectively working to create an Oregon where all women and girls can thrive. Please RSVP.
Feb 8: Resolve to Resist, Portland
Attend YWCA's two-part series to encourage women, especially women of color, and others who don’t see themselves represented in the political arena to take the lead. Session 2 will take place on March 8.
Feb 16: Zero Weeks Film Screening, Bend
Award-winning director, Ky Dickens, was inspired to make a film about paid leave, after facing financial depletion, emotional turmoil and guilt of having “not enough time,” due to a lack of paid leave, after the birth of her first child. After the screening, a panel of leaders will share thoughts on what a paid family and medical leave insurance program could mean for Oregon.
Feb 21: Apply to NEW Leadership Oregon by February 21st, Statewide
The award-winning women's leadership development program is housed at the Center for Women's Leadership at Portland State University. Open to college women enrolled at any college in the state of Oregon.
Present Company: Thankful Thursday — Women in Social Good
This list celebrates eight women from nonprofits (including our own Emily Evans!) that have devoted their careers and lives to causes that directly benefit women and youth.
KGW: In 6 Months, Village for Homeless Women Places 9 in Housing
Six months into the one-year pilot project designed to help women transition out of homelessness and into permanent housing, Haskett will be one of nine women who have moved on to permanent housing.
The Skanner: Gov. Brown Appoints Adrienne Nelson to Oregon Supreme Court
Judge Nelson is a widely respected civil rights champion, whose perspective on the bench moves us closer to our shared vision of justice for all.
Times: Melinda Gates: It's Time for a New Era for Women
If we want to change the world, we should invest in the people who already are. In 2018 that will mean challenging ourselves to do a better job of finding and funding grassroots women’s movements.
NPR: 7 Global Women Show Why 'Feminism' Is The Word Of The Year
7 remarkable women pursuing their goals in the face of poverty, war and prejudice.
Inside Philanthropy: Network Power: Giving Circles Are on the Rise and Engaging New Voices
When it comes to engaging women and people of color, giving circles have been more successful than institutional philanthropy and are on the rise, a recent study has found.
Al Jazeera: Women in low-wage US farm jobs say #MeToo
Farmworker women are especially vulnerable to sexual harassment and abuse at work because of "a severe imbalance of power" between employers and supervisors and the workers, many of whom are immigrants, according to a 2012 Human Rights Watch report.
Huffington Post: Here’s What You Should Know About The 8 Activists Who Went To The Golden Globes
Against the backdrop of the flood of harassment and assault allegations against powerful men in the industry, eight actresses attended the awards show with notable advocates on the issue, explaining in a joint statement that the “goal in attending the Golden Globes is to shift the focus back to survivors and on systemic, lasting solutions.”
Institute for Women’s Policy Research: Women in Construction: #MeToo in the Building Trades
Sexual harassment is at least as common on many blue-collar job sites which may explain, in part, why so few women dare to venture into the construction trades. An IWPR report on women working in construction describes the very challenging conditions in that industry.
Code Switch (Podcast): Before We Give 2017 The Middle Finger, Part 1
In this episode: lessons learned post-Charlottesville, the Latinas who said "me, too" before it went viral, race-and-rep wins in pop-culture and some of this year's real-life losses. You'll yell, you'll cheer, you'll shed a tear.
As a Women’s Foundation of Oregon member, you’re joining a community of over 800 individuals who donate their time, efforts, and/or funds to improve the lives of women and girls in Oregon.
Become a member or renew now, and you'll receive our annual membership gift - the Count Her In Calendar! The calendar offers 52 weeks of powerful actions to bolster your capacity as an agent of change for women and girls in your community.
Join us and strengthen our collective force for gender equity in Oregon.
For details about our Give What You Can program, contact info@w-for.org.