October 2016 Newsletter: Nonpartisan Voters' Guide
It's been just a few short weeks since we released Count Her In, the first comprehensive report on Oregon's women and girls in 20 years. I'm thrilled to share that the report is already shaping the statewide dialogue about gender equity. The report and its findings have been mentioned several times in gubernatorial debates and in editorial board meetings with statewide and local candidates.
The data in the report, particularly regarding Oregon's alarmingly high rates of violence against women, has prompted a great deal of urgently needed dialogue. For more on that topic, check out our recent oped in The Oregonian. Misconceptions about domestic and sexual violence are common, but for the first time in a generation Oregon has solid data to guide our discussions and propel clear action.
Over the next few months, we'll continue to explore the findings of Count Her In. This month, our timely focus is on violence against women. That topic is the theme of this month's newsletter, as well as our upcoming community discussion, and a new short video from our Listening Tour.
With much gratitude,
Emily Evans
Executive Director, Women’s Foundation of Oregon
In response to member requests for topic-specific programming, we're delighted to announce our "Eight That Can't Wait" Discussion Series. (The “Eight That Can’t Wait” are the top findings of Count Her In; they are the most profound inequities and startling challenges faced by Oregon’s women and girls.) We'll be hosting a series of open community sessions with community and state experts in order to understand the root causes of the issues in the report as well as potential solutions for each of the eight topics.
The first session is Wednesday, October 26 from 11:30am-1:30pm at the WeWork Custom House in NW Portland. Registration is free, and lunch is provided. Learn more here and sign up here. Hope to see you there!
Name: Susan Moen
Age: 51
Occupation: Executive Director of the Jackson County SART (Sexual Assault Response Team)
Member of the Women's Foundation since: 2016
What’s your favorite spot in Oregon?
The children's book section of Powell's bookstore.
What quality do you most admire in others?
Kindness and compassion.
Which talent would you most like to have?
To be able to type super fast without looking at the keys.
What was your first volunteer experience?
Facilitating a student support group in college.
What’s the best place to eat in our great state?
Salt and Straw ice cream, no matter what time of day it is.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Helping to bring together and fund some of the phenomenal people who do sexual assault response and prevention in my county (and beyond).
Which woman (living or dead) do you most admire?
Eleanor Roosevelt.
What’s your most treasured possession?
Photos of my kids at all ages.
What is your personal motto?
"Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle." (It's attributed to a couple of different people.)
What’s your idea of perfect happiness?
Book, chair in front of a fire when you can see winter weather out the window, animals draped on the furniture nearby, noises of family doing their own thing in other rooms. That all brings a sense of peace, even if it is temporary, that fuels the crazy-busy days.
What makes you laugh uncontrollably?
The intentionally ridiculous things my children and husband say–we greatly value silliness in my home.
Why are you a member of the Women’s Foundation?
Because there is so much to do, and we can do better work when we collaborate and coordinate and learn from shared experience and others' expertise and passion.
Vote! Tuesday, November 8, is Election Day. Make your voice heard by casting your ballot. Here's the nonpartisan voters' guide from the League of Women Voters of Oregon, and here's a ballot drop box locator.
Ballots must be received by 8pm on November 8. According to the Secretary of State, if you complete your ballot after Wednesday, November 2, leave it at a drop box site to make sure it's counted.
October 26: Eight That Can't Wait Discussion Series, Portland
Join us for our first "Eight That Can't Wait" community discussion, on the epidemic of violence against women in Oregon and what can be done.
November 8: Election Day, Statewide
Ballots are mailed by October 25. If yours is missing or you want to track its status, use the Secretary of State's "My Vote" online tool here.
November 8: Election Night Watch Parties, Portland
Cheer on your candidate of choice with others in your area, and watch the results live as they come in.
November 9: Lorwin Series: Transformative Philanthropy Forum, Eugene
U of O's Center for the Study of Women in Society is hosting a forum about how social justice philanthropy can bring social change for women, LGBTQ people, and people of color.
If you would like your event added to our calendar, please email info@w-for.org.
The Register-Guard: Recognize Domestic Violence As the Epidemic It Is
The Oregonian: All Oregon Women Threatened By Violence Epidemic
East Oregonian: Report Provides Grim Details on Status of Women in Oregon
Lake Oswego Review: New Campaign Targets Domestic Violence
OPB: Discrimination Harming Efforts To Diversify Oregon Highway Workforce
Thanks to the 700+ members who helped make a difference for women and girls in Oregon by supporting the report! Our members support us in so many ways: from your membership donations to your time volunteering in the office and at our events.
Now there are even more ways you can support us! As you make your will and estate plans, please consider adding the Women's Foundation of Oregon. For more information on Planned Giving, please contact us at membership@w-for.org.
Also, your employer may match your gift to the Women's Foundation! Check with your human resources department to see if your company will match your charitable donations. If you have any questions regarding your membership please contact membership@w-for.org and we'll be happy to help.
If you're not yet a member, join us by clicking here!