The Halfway Point

To our WFO Community,

The halfway point of the year is a very powerful moment.  It is a time where we look back at all the work that has been accomplished while dreaming and planning for the remainder of the year.

We had an impactful and important conversation last week at our “Pause! What’s missing in the talk about menopause” happy hour! We shared stories, brainstormed as a community, and connected for future work. Thank you to everyone who joined us. We are excited to continue to host transformative events. 

In thinking about our future, we are inviting you to help us plan. By becoming a member, you will have a front row seat to provide guidance and ideas. There is so much work to be done and coming together intentionally and strategically is key!  Click here to become a member.

For those of you who are already a member.  Thank you!  It is because of your commitment and dedication that we can host events, conduct necessary research, support important organizations through grants, and continue to spread awareness of the issues that affect our lives.  You are key to our work and we thank you for being a part of our community.

In gratitude,
The WFO Team


Attention Community: We have a new Mission Statement


Two Years Ago to Today