Invest in
With Care and Consistency
February 2018 Newsletter: Honoring Black Women Leaders
To celebrate Black History Month, we invite you to honor Oregon’s Black women and girls along with us!
January 2018 Newsletter: Reflecting on the #MeToo Movement
So far this year, I've spent a lot of time thinking about the watershed moment that is the #MeToo movement.
December 2017 Newsletter: Count Me in Calendar for 2018
For many of us, 2017 has been a year marked by crushing developments at the national level.
November 2017 Newsletter: Celebrating the Contributions of Oregon's Military Women
In the wake of Veteran’s Day earlier this month, we’re pausing to reflect on the Oregon women, past and present, who have served in the military.
October 2017 Newsletter: Domestic Violence Awareness (DVA) Month
October is Domestic Violence Awareness (DVA) month.
September 2017 Newsletter: In Support of DACA
By now, you've surely heard about the current administration's decision to dismantle the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.
July/August 2017 Newsletter: Community Events for Summer
For a bunch of us, summer in the Pacific Northwest means a ton of time spent being active outdoors, soaking up the fleeting sun while we can.
June 2017 Newsletter: Investment Update
This month marks our third full year as a member-supported, statewide Foundation.
May 2017 Newsletter: $75,000 to Grantees
It's my favorite time of year at the Women's Foundation.
April 2017 Newsletter: Eight that Can’t Wait Discussion
This month, we're drilling down into the wealth and wage gap for women in Oregon.
March 2017 Newsletter: Reproductive Health in Oregon
This month, we're focusing on the landscape for reproductive health in Oregon. It's so much more than a health issue.
February 2017 Newsletter: Just Released - Count Her In Companion Briefs
Your story can help show Oregon's leaders why it's important to take action on the "Eight That Can't Wait" set of urgent issues facing Oregon's women and girls.
January 2017 Newsletter: Video on the Cost of Caregiving.
Happy New Year! We're kicking off 2017 by focusing on caregiving.
December 2016 Newsletter: Making a Difference at End of Year
For me, December is a time to reflect on the year behind and prepare for the year to come.
2016 Year-End Letter
You and I both had high hopes for the Women’s Foundation’s groundbreaking Count Her In report, but I’ll be honest with you: I never expected it to be this big.
November 2016 Newsletter: Ten Ways to Fight Hate
As I reflect on the results of last week's election, my thoughts keep returning to those who are likely to be most negatively affected during the next four years.
October 2016 Newsletter: Nonpartisan Voters' Guide
It's been just a few short weeks since we released Count Her In, the first comprehensive report on Oregon's women and girls in 20 years.
September 2016 Newsletter: Oregon’s 20-year data drought for women is over.
Together, with the release of Count Her In, we've ended a 20-year data drought for women and girls in Oregon.
July-August 2016 Newsletter: Membership Matters
It's been an action-packed summer here at the Foundation.
June 2016 Newsletter: 2 Years as a Foundation
On June 30th, we'll wrap up our second full year as a member-supported, statewide Foundation.